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InNations Group | Manifesto

This Manifesto reflects the values of InNations Group’s policy to support States and institutions in their response to the growing needs of populations in terms of governance and public service, of transparency, accessibility, responsiveness, but also dialogue and participation in public life.

  • Article 1: InNations Group’s main vocation is to promote the Public-Private-Population Partnership with a view to creating a new paradigm. The services and solutions developed by InNations Group are therefore innovative in terms of governance and always put People first.
  • Article 2: InNations Group is independent of any political, economic, ethnic or religious group and acts for the exclusive benefit of its clients. Its research, publications and field of actions are always carried out in line with its primary vocation to promote the Public-Private-Population Partnership.
  • Article 3: In order to meet the new information, service and participation needs of populations in public life, InNations Group favours the creation of new digital infrastructures.
  • Article 4: The infrastructures created must be reliable, as the services provided must be continuous and themselves embody the continuity of the State. InNations Group is committed to retaining the most stable and successful technologies in order to avoid any risk of service failure.
  • Article 5: The infrastructures favoured by InNations Group are oriented towards the search for performance and the respect of ethical values and sustainable development:
    3.1. Zero paper ;
    3.2. Simplifying the processes of consumption of public services ;
    3.3. The shortening of validation circuits ;
    3.4. Significant reductions in the wage bill of the administrations and communities affected.
  • Article 6: Sufficiently secure and developed on a Cloud basis, the infrastructures developed by InNations Group are notably designed to resist the most sophisticated types of cyber attacks, known at the time of their development and regularly updated.
  • Article 7: InNations Group implements an approach favouring the transfer of skills to its clients in order to offer them the means for their own development, with the aim of developing sustainable solutions.
  • Article 8: At the service of its customers, InNations Group is committed to connecting infrastructures to the governmental ecosystem, so that the States and national institutions retain control over them, their management, maintenance and ownership in all circumstances, in national and digital sovereignty.
  • Article 9: InNations Group ensures a total respect for the confidentiality of its clients and, as such, does not divulge its activities, offering its clients full ownership and credit for the projects it implements.
  • Article 10: Infrastructures must be sufficiently dimensioned from their initial installation, taking into account the explosion in the volumes of data being managed now compared to previous generations, and in anticipation of the place that Artificial Intelligence and Big Data will take up in our societies going forward.
  • Article 11: InNations Group is committed to supporting its clients over the long term through appropriate financing methods:
    6.1. InNations Group adopts innovative solutions in the search for resources, arrangements and financial vehicles ;
    6.2. Whether with public or private players, InNations Group will turn to available savings, infrastructure and sovereign funds or even bond solutions to support its clients ;
    6.3. InNations Group will ensure, whatever happens, that their budgetary policy is not compromised by these investments, and that they maintain the confidence of their major stakeholders (supranational community and market areas, debt market, etc.) and their vital ecosystem.
  • Article 12: In order to accompany a redistribution of prerogatives between the authorities and citizens – the latter being eager to participate more and more directly in public life – InNations Group is committed to setting up new types of platforms:
    9.1. Integrating methods of exchange and sharing that are much more in line with the consumption patterns of our fellow citizens.
    9.2. Favouring a citizen-centred approach.
    9.3. Integrating the best practices in force, whether in terms of design, ergonomics and path design, service organisation or behavioral data collection.
    9.4. Defining user satisfaction indicators that are conducive to a better involvement of citizens in public affairs.
  • Article 13: To support its customers, InNations Group is committed to drawing inspiration from the best current and international standards and practices, in particular the Govchain. The Govchain-labelled platforms are designed to reassure in the field of decentralisation, transparency and confidentiality. They meet citizens’ highest expectations in terms of social and environmental performance and accountability. Finally, they are accelerating on a global scale the change of culture that will make communication with governments more virtuous, inclusive and sustainable.
  • Article 14: All partners and consultants of InNations Group respect the articles of this charter. InNations Group’s publications reflect its opinion except for external contributions, which are not endorsed by InNations Group.

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